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Plotting function to visualize the flight connections from the flights dataset. This function requires the package ggplot2 to be installed.


  airportIndices = NULL,
  airports_sel = NULL,
  connections_sel = NULL,
  graph = NULL,
  plotAirports = TRUE,
  plotConnections = TRUE,
  labelAirports = FALSE,
  returnGGPlot = FALSE,
  useAirportNFlights = FALSE,
  useConnectionNFlights = FALSE,
  minNFlights = 0,
  map = "state",
  vertexColors = NULL,
  vertexShapes = NULL,
  edgeColors = NULL,
  xyRatio = NULL,
  clipMap = FALSE,
  useLatex = FALSE,
  edgeAlpha = 0.2



The indices of the airports (w.r.t. airports_sel) to include.


The airports to plot. Might be further subset by arguments airportIndices, graph. If NULL, then flights$airports will be used.


A three columns data frame as output by flightCountMatrixToConnectionList(). If NULL, then flights$nFlights will be used to construct one.


An optional igraph::graph object, containing a flight graph to plot. Vertices should either match the selected airports in number and order, or be named with the corresponding IATA codes of the airports they represent.


Logical. Whether to plot the airports specified.


Logical. Whether to plot the connections specified.


Logical. Whether to show the IATA code next to each plotted airport.


If TRUE, a ggplot2::ggplot object is returned and not plotted immediately.


Logical. Whether to vary the size of the circles representing airports in the plot, according to the number of flights at that airport.


Logical. Whether to vary the size of the edges representing connections in the plot, according to the number of flights on that connection.


Numeric scalar. Only plot connections with at least this many flights.


String or data.frame or NULL. What map to use as the background image. Strings are passed to ggplot2::map_data(), data frames are assumed to be the output of ggplot2::map_data().


Optional vector, named with IATA codes, to be used as colors for the vertices/airports.


Optional vector, named with IATA codes, to be used as shapes for the vertices/airports. Is coerced to character.


Optional vector or symmetric matrix (character or numeric), to be used as colors for edges/connections. If this is a vector, its entries must match the plotted connections (in the order specified in connections_sel or implied by igraph::get.edgelist). If this is a matrix, its row/column names must be IATA codes, or its rows/columns match the plotted airports (in number and order).


Approximate X-Y-ratio (w.r.t. distance on the ground) of the area shown in the plot.


Logical or numeric scalar. Whether to ignore the map image when determining the axis limits of the plot. If it is a positive scalar, the plot limits are extended by that factor.


Whether to format numbers etc. as latex code (useful when plotting to tikz).


Numeric scalar between 0 and 1. The alpha value to be used when plotting edges/connections.


If returnGGPlot is TRUE, a ggplot2::ggplot object, otherwise NULL.

See also


# Plot all airports in the dataset
plotFlights(plotConnections = FALSE, map = 'world')

# Plot a selection of airports
plotFlights(c('JFK', 'SFO', 'LAX'), useConnectionNFlights = TRUE, useAirportNFlights = TRUE)

# Plot airports with a custom connections graph
IATAs <- c('ACV', 'BFL', 'EUG', 'SFO', 'MRY')
graph <- igraph::make_full_graph(length(IATAs))
plotFlights(IATAs, graph=graph, clipMap = 1.5)